Letër e bardhë Besa Gaming
Besa Gaming Company (BGC):
We are a fun and exciting gaming project that is located on the blockchain. Earn real money and play with your friends to share in rewards or take it from them! Our games will reward our players with our P2E options. Our holders will share a 3% of the tax collected for selling our tokens automatically plus a share of 2% from the Buy tax! whomever owns our NFTs will also be given a share of 1% from every buy.
$Besa tokens will be our one and only token for our project! we plan to expand into several chains to expant our brand to other crypto markets along the way. But unlike others we want to grow our currency into a real powerhouse in the Crypto market and our project into a real gaming company creating games and content for years to come.
Mission Statement:
To provide fun and easy to understand game/s that all walks of life can understand and enjoy.
To give the players the ability to earn money and play with friends or anyone around the world.
Implement real use case NFTs for our loyal community to obtain and create passive income.
To give early holders incentives to hold and benefit for years to come.
To create a real gaming company with several games and continue support and innovation for those games.
1.2 Gaming Modes:
Single player
Players can choose to play alone.
In this mode, Players simply log in, Play the game and see what they have earned at the end of the game.
Once the level is completed players will have the option to choose a Double or nothing opportunity. If selected, players are then given the opportunity to play the game and double their winnings or lose it all.
Multiple player options.
PvP – Will be implemented on most of our games.
Players can choose to play with someone they know or anyone from around the world.
Playing this option allows the winner to take all the winnings the players earn. The player with the highest $Besa bag at the end wins the opponent's tokens.
The winning player is then given the option to double their stack, with the double or nothing opportunity
We will implement an option to use different cryptos into our games. As our partnerships grow those options will also increase.
The Beginning
Launch Website and socials
Partner to create relationships
VIP Presale before IDO
Live into Pancake swap and dextools
Quarter 4 2023
Build our following on socials
Release our 1st Game Gold Rush Racer
Downloadable on all the app stores
Competitions, fund raising and charity events
Quarter 1 2024
Get token listed on ranking sites like CMC and CoinGecko
Release more games!
Continuous building of levels for our games
Expansion of our team with more Game developers
Begin the process to expand into the Metaverse
Large marketing campaign, Press releases and calls
Quarter 2 2024
Start the process to create The Besa Gaming company
Decide what Will be our next step regarding our staking or enter our next big Exchange
Expand our holders by getting Besa into different swaps through partnerships
Continue the release of more games and updates to our current games
Quarter 3 2024
The creation of our board of directors (A combination of the team and our top holders)
The start of the development for our 1st metaverse game
After securing our corporation status we start the interview process for our in-house game developers, advertising and team offices.
The implementation of Besa week. Golf-tournament, gaming competitions and charity events.
There are 4 levels of NFTs planned for us
Our OG, Gold, silver and normal. Our originals Nfts will be released in our marketplace and the owners will be part of our private group and board of directors.
We will be selling advertising space within our games. The revenue will be used to benefit all holders by buying our tokens and distribute them to everyone holding and supporting us.
Staking will be implemented as soon as possible. The contract itself will have that option already integrated and we will use a portion of the selling tax for that fund. After a year we will revisit this feature and decide whether to continue? Expand? Or completely scratch it. Regardless of what we decided it will be for the benefit of the project. A decision to be made by our board of directors.
Muli token expansion
We plan to expand into different markets as we continue to grow the BESA brand and utilities. Our gaming ecosystem will only continue to grow along with our utilities giving us the opportunity to expand Besa to more crypto holders by adopting more chain as well. The team will make the preparations required and keep the community informed accordingly.
Historia jonë
Në botën plot zhurmë të lojërave, ku risia dhe eksitimi përplasen, u shfaq një lojtar i ri me një vizion për të ndryshuar lojën përgjithmonë. Ai lojtar ishte Besa Gaming.
E gjitha filloi me një grup lojtarësh të pasionuar dhe entuziastësh të teknologjisë, të cilët panë potencialin për të përzier dashurinë e tyre për lojërat me mundësitë novatore të teknologjisë blockchain. Ata ëndërronin për një platformë ku lojtarët jo vetëm që mund të shijonin përvojat zhytëse të lojërave, por edhe të fitonin shpërblime dhe të merrnin pjesë në një ekonomi dixhitale të lulëzuar.
Me përkushtim të palodhur ka lindur Besa Gaming. Ekipi u nis për të krijuar një platformë që nuk kishte të bënte vetëm me lojërat, por edhe me transformimin e mënyrës sesi lojtarët ndërveprojnë me argëtimet e tyre të preferuara. Ata integruan blockchain për të siguruar transparencë, siguri dhe për të ofruar mundësi unike për lojtarët për të fituar dhe tregtuar asete dixhitale.
Ndërsa Besa Gaming u rrit, ajo tërhoqi një komunitet të gjallë lojtarësh dhe zhvilluesish të etur për të qenë pjesë e diçkaje revolucionare. Platforma prezantoi një epokë të re të lojërave ku lojtarët mund të zotëronin vërtet artikujt e tyre virtualë, të fitonin nga loja e tyre dhe të ishin pjesë e një komuniteti që formësoi të ardhmen e argëtimit.
Eksitimi nuk u ndal me kaq. Angazhimi i Besa Gaming ndaj inovacionit dhe angazhimit të komunitetit çoi në partneritete me zhvillues të talentuar dhe përditësime të vazhdueshme që e mbajtën përvojën e lojërave të freskët dhe emocionuese. Platforma u bë shpejt e njohur për drejtësinë, transparencën dhe mënyrën unike që fuqizoi lojtarët.
Në këtë botë të re të lojrave, Besa Gaming nuk ishte thjesht një platformë; ishte një lëvizje. Ai tregoi se me pasion, inovacion dhe një prekje teknologjie, e ardhmja e lojërave mund të jetë emocionuese dhe shpërblyese. Dhe ndërsa dielli perëndonte në horizontin e industrisë së lojrave, Besa Gaming qëndronte në ballë, gati për të udhëhequr rrugën drejt një epoke të re të argëtimit dixhital.